What is Mulching and Woodchipping?

The process of breaking down large sections of wood into much smaller pieces is called Wood Chipping. It is done with a portable machine called a chipper. This is a very valuable process which allows you to recycle the wood from fallen trees and branches.

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What Do Wood Chips Do?

The most effective use of your wood chips is to use them as an organic mulch. They can be used in planting areas and spread around the base of your trees.

When applied correctly, mulch suppresses weed growth, keeps water in your soil, and regulates soil temperatures.

As the mulch breaks down and becomes a thin coverage, regularly replenish it to maintain its effectiveness.

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Why Do Wood Chips Help Soil?

Wood chips can be used as a mulch in gardens and landscaping to help improve the soil in several ways:

  • Water retention: Wood chips can help to retain moisture in the soil by preventing evaporation and reducing the need for frequent watering.
  • Nutrient retention: As the wood chips break down over time, they release nutrients into the soil, including nitrogen, carbon, and other minerals. This can help to improve the fertility of the soil and support healthy plant growth.
  • Soil structure: Wood chips can help to improve the structure of the soil by increasing its ability to retain water and nutrients. They also help to reduce compaction, which can make it easier for plants to root and grow.
  • Weed suppression: By covering the surface of the soil, wood chips can help to suppress weeds by blocking sunlight and reducing the ability of weed seeds to germinate.
  • Erosion control: Wood chips can help to prevent erosion by holding soil in place and protecting it from the impact of rain and wind.

Overall, wood chips can be a useful addition to gardens and landscapes, providing many benefits to soil health and plant growth.

Do Wood Chips Attract Termites?

It is generally not recommended to use wood chips as a mulch around the foundation of a building because they can attract termites.

Termites are attracted to wood and will readily feed on wood chips, especially if the chips are located near the foundation of a building. If you are using wood chips as a mulch, it is important to keep them at least a metre away from the foundation of the building to help prevent termites from being attracted to the wood chips and potentially finding their way into the building.

There are other mulch options that are less attractive to termites, such as rock mulch or mulches made from organic materials that are less palatable to termites, such as pine straw or cypress mulch. These mulch options can be used around the foundation of a building without attracting termites. It is also a good idea to keep an eye on the mulch around your foundation and to remove any pieces of wood or other materials that may attract termites.

What is the difference between Wood Chip and Mulch?

Wood chips and mulch are both materials that are used in landscaping to help retain moisture in the soil, suppress weeds, and improve the overall appearance of a garden or landscape.

However, there are some differences between the two materials.

Wood chips are typically made from chipped or shredded tree branches, twigs, and other woody debris. They are often used as a ground cover in landscaping, particularly in areas where grass is difficult to grow. Wood chips can be used around trees, shrubs, and other plants to help retain moisture in the soil and suppress weeds. Wood chips are generally less expensive and more readily available than mulch, but they may not last as long and may not provide as many benefits to the soil as mulch.

Mulch is a layer of material, usually organic, that is spread over the surface of the soil in a garden or landscape. It is typically made from shredded bark, wood chips, leaves, or other organic material. Mulch helps to retain moisture in the soil, suppress weeds, and regulate soil temperature. It also helps to improve the appearance of a garden or landscape by adding a finished look to the beds. Mulch is often more expensive than wood chips, but it can last longer and provide more benefits to the soil.

In summary, wood chips and mulch are both materials that are used in landscaping to improve the appearance and health of a garden or landscape. However, wood chips are typically made from chipped or shredded tree branches and twigs, while mulch is made from shredded bark, wood chips, leaves, or other organic material. Wood chips are generally less expensive and more readily available than mulch, but mulch can last longer and provide more benefits to the soil.

How Do I USE Woodchips In My Garden?

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